Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Create a Blog and Show Us All

Read this entire post before beginning!

The purpose of this post is to provide a way for all of us to share our blogs. Feel free to show off a little. The minimum expectations are below. I expect some of you to really take this project to the next level. Work on this after you are caught up on your Microsoft Lessons & Projects.

Comment to this Post and include:
Name: First name and last initial
Blog Title: The title or topic of their Blog
Blog URL: the URL or web address of your Blog (make it a hyperlink if you can)

On your Blog you will be graded as follows:

  • Add name, title, and url in a comment on this Blog Post. (see above) You want people to leave comments on your Blog, so make the title and topic interesting. All content must be school appropriate. (10)
  • formatting and style. Make it easily readable and add some interesting images, gadgets, color, unique formatting, and general pizzazz to match your skill level (20)
  • professionalism. Keep a clean appearance. Use appropriate language and topics. Moderate your comments for prevent garbage from appearing on your Blog. Check your spelling and grammar. (20)
  • create at least 3 Posts. Each should be different and interesting, but still relate to the general Blog Topic. (30)
  • accept at least 10 comments. Only accept clean and appropriate comments. You may want to encourage others to visit your blog. It helps to have an interesting title and Posts. (20)

    Name: Mr. Turton
    BLOG Topic:
    Old Computer Applications
    URL: http://turtoncompapps.blogspot.com/

PART 2 - the follow up -

After a while visit this site again check the comments with links, and go to someone else's Blog. Go to the Favorite Blog Post of my Blog (not created yet) and comment to tell us which one is your favorite Blog. The link will be here after a few people comment and we have some Blogs to evaluate and vote on.